Keyscape big sur
Keyscape big sur

keyscape big sur

If you need to edit the track after bouncing/freezing, hosts generally have an “unbounce” or “unfreeze” capability. Bouncing/freezing will convert the MIDI track containing Keyscape into an audio track ( WAV or AIFF). If you’ve finished arranging a track with Keyscape and are still encountering audio glitches, amother solution to consider is the host’s bounce/freeze capability. If using USB3, make sure the computer supports the USB3 interface. If you must place STEAM on an external drive, we recommend a fast connection such as Thunderbolt or USB3. In addition, it is strongly recommended that the STEAM data be placed on an internal drive, using an internal bus such as PCIe or SATA. The fastest drives are Solid State Drives ( SSD) which are preferred over HD disk drives which use a spinning platter. The performance of Keyscape depends on the speed of the drive on which the STEAM data is stored. Standalone use is highly recommended for live and studio situations. Using the Keyscape Standalone requires fewer of your computer’s resources than using it as a plug-in inside a DAW. The THINNING button can also be locked, ensuring that all Keyscape Patches load the thinned version automatically. The thinned versions of the Patches have been optimized to maintain the highest possible quality for each sound. This will reload the Patch with a reduced number of samples. If you encounter audio glitches, the first step is to use the THINNING button on the Settings Page. In some situations, you may need to perform several of these actions. The actions are listed in roughly the order you should consider them-starting with the easiest and highest payoff actions. You should consider all the methods listed, but note that some actions might not be appropriate for your circumstances. This section describes actions you can take to minimize these overloads. Additionally, some Patches use CPU-intensive FX units which might result in CPU overload, also causing audio glitches. If your system is not configured properly, streaming may not be fast enough and could produce audio glitches.

keyscape big sur

The samples are streamed from your drive while you play. The models in Keyscape have been deeply multi-sampled and contain a large number of velocities and round robins.

Keyscape big sur